Worship in Lent 2024

(All services are hybrid except for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday evening)

Wednesday 14th February: Ash Wednesday - 7 pm Labyrinth with imposition of Ashes

Sunday 18th February: Lent 1 - 11 am Eucharist

Sunday 25th February: Lent 2 - 11 am All Age Eucharist, 7 pm: Ignatian Prayer & Contemplation

Sunday 3rd March: Lent 3 - 11 am Eucharist, 7 pm Silent Eucharist

Sunday 10th March: Lent 4 - 11 am Eucharist

Sunday 17th March: Lent 5 Passiontide - 11 am Eucharist

Saturday 23rd March: - 2-4 pm Easter Crafts and Fun (Children’s activities)

Sunday 24th March: Palm Sunday - 11 am All Age Service, 7 pm: Ignatian Prayer & Contemplation

Monday 25th March - 8 pm 8 Old Slavonic liturgical music and reflection

Tuesday 26th March 7 pm short contemplative service on zoom

Wednesday 27th March 7 pm short contemplative service on zoom

Thursday 28th March: Maundy Thursday, Foot washing & stripping of the altar

Friday 29th March: Good Friday, 11 am Stations of the cross with L’Arche, 7 pm Good Friday Meditation

Saturday 30th March: Holy Saturday -  10 am -2 pm Changing of the boards

Sunday 31st March: Easter Sunday - 6 am Dawn service, 11 am Festive Family Eucharist