Music at St James

Music is a central element of our worship at St James. Our intention is to allow everyone present to feel like they are ‘in the band’, regardless of skill or confidence. We do a lot of singing together, and will often spend a bit of time before the service practicing simple harmonies – believing that our vocal harmony supports our values, and a wider ‘harmony’ in our community – as well as being enjoyable and spiritually uplifting.

JOIN US? Our music group sits among the congregation. The number and type of players changes week to week, as no specific commitment is required from group members (apart from pianists and music leaders), and new players on any instrument – singers too – are always welcome if they are able to come along at 09:45am and rehearse before the service. The musical ‘style’ is varied, centering on folk and roots music – energetic or contemplative as required.

“SING A NEW SONG” Writing new songs has been a focus for the past few years, and many services feature songs and liturgical pieces written by the music group. This process is ongoing, with a current focus on writing new hymns to address current issues in church and society.

Email Suzanne, music[at] if you’d like to find out more about getting involved in music at St James.

The St James Music Group have produced a book of sheet music collecting together many of the worship songs which the group have written together over recent years.

Below are recordings of three of the songs from the collection

Copies of the book can be purchased for £8.50 plus p&p. Email the church office for more details.